Category Archives: News

Right of Conscience – HB 348 Participation Waiver Amendments

Parents, this is critical information you must understand to protect your family.

You and your children have a right to conscience that has not always been respected in our public education system.

This past legislative session, HB 348, Participation Waiver Amendments, was sponsored by Representative Cheryl Acton and Senator Mike Kennedy. It does something amazing in protecting families from those times when a student in class feels something is violating their belief system. They now have an out.

However, the key to this bill is GETTING EDUCATED ON HOW IT WORKS.

It’s really simple, but if you don’t know it exists, you can’t use it.

Know your rights and protect your family.


If you are faced with an issue where the school violates your or your child’s rights, send an email to AND The audit address is for the state office to investigate, and the board address is to make sure the state board knows an infraction has occurred.

3 things to get educated:


1) I have made a video with State board member Natalie Cline, Monica Wilbur from, and myself discussing this bill and how it works. Please watch it here:


2) Here are handouts Representative Acton passed out for Q&A to help everyone understand the bill and alleviate concerns.

The bill passed in the Senate on a unanimous vote 27-0-2. In the House it was 51-17-7. Governor Cox signed the bill. It’s law.

Waivers of participation Q and A

Waivers of participation reference FINAL

The Law

3) Here is a link to the bill but I’m also including the text so you can read it here. The protections I have colored red. Use this code language and reference any time a school issue arises to show officials that you understand your rights and they must back down.

If you’re unfamiliar with reading a bill, strikeout text is being removed from code and underlined text is added by the bill.

House Bill 348








Chief Sponsor: Cheryl K. Acton


Senate Sponsor: Michael S. Kennedy


8     General Description:
9          This bill clarifies how a school responds when a student refrains from participation in
10     school due to a student’s or a student’s parent’s religious belief or right of conscience.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     clarifies how a school responds when a student refrains from participation in school
15     due to a student’s or a student’s parent’s religious belief or right of conscience,
16     consistent with Utah Constitution, Article I, Section 4;
17          ▸     grants the State Board of Education rulemaking authority; and
18          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          None
21     Other Special Clauses:
22          None
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     AMENDS:
25          53G-10-203, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 3
26          53G-10-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 293

28     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29          Section 1. Section 53G-10-203 is amended to read:

30          53G-10-203. Expressions of belief — Discretionary time.
31          (1) Expression of personal beliefs by a student participating in school-directed
32     curricula or activities may not be prohibited or penalized unless the expression unreasonably
33     interferes with order or discipline, threatens the well-being of persons or property, or violates
34     concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to a school setting.
35          (2) (a) As used in this section, “discretionary time” means noninstructional time during
36     which a student is free to pursue personal interests.
37          (b) Free exercise of voluntary religious practice or freedom of speech by students
38     during discretionary time shall not be denied unless the conduct unreasonably interferes with
39     the ability of school officials to maintain order and discipline, unreasonably endangers persons
40     or property, or violates concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to a school setting.
41          (3) Any limitation under [Sections 53G-10-203 and 53G-10-205] this section on
42     student expression, practice, or conduct shall be by the least restrictive means necessary to
43     satisfy the school’s interests [as stated in those sections], or to satisfy another specifically
44     identified compelling governmental interest.
45          Section 2. Section 53G-10-205 is amended to read:
46          53G-10-205. Waivers of participation.
47          (1) As used in this section[, “school”]:
48          (a) “School” means a public school.
49          (b) “Student” means a public school student in kindergarten through grade 12.
50          [(2) If a parent of a student, or a secondary student, determines that the student’s
51     participation in a portion of the curriculum or in an activity would require the student to affirm
52     or deny a religious belief or right of conscience, or engage or refrain from engaging in a
53     practice forbidden or required in the exercise of a religious right or right of conscience, the
54     parent or the secondary student may request:]
55          [(a) a waiver of the requirement to participate; or]
56          [(b) a reasonable alternative that requires reasonably equivalent performance by the
57     student of the secular objectives of the curriculum or activity in question.]

58          [(3)] (2) (a) In accordance with Utah Constitution, Article I, Section 4, a student may
59     refrain from participation in any aspect of school that violates a religious belief or right of
60     conscience of the student.
61          (b) A school may not, in any aspect of school:
62          (i) require or incentivize a student to affirm or deny the student’s or the student’s
63     parent’s religious belief or right of conscience;
64          (ii) engage a student in a practice that violates or is contrary to the student’s or the
65     student’s parent’s religious belief or right of conscience; or
66          (iii) penalize or discriminate against a student for refraining from participation due to
67     the student’s or the student’s parent’s religious belief or right of conscience.
68          (3) [The school shall] When a student refrains from participating in any aspect of
69     school that violates the student’s or the student’s parent’s religious belief or right of conscience,
70     the school:
71          (a) shall promptly notify [a] the student’s parent [if the secondary student makes a
72     request under Subsection (2).];
73          (b) may offer an alternative that does not violate the student’s or the student’s parent’s
74     religious belief or right of conscience; and
75          (c) may not require the student or the student’s parent to explain, defend, or justify the
76     student’s or the student’s parent’s religious belief or right of conscience.
77          (4) A student’s parent may waive the student’s participation in any aspect of school that
78     violates the student’s or the student’s parent’s religious belief or right of conscience.
79          (5) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
80     state board shall make rules consistent with this section.
81          [(4) If a request is made under Subsection (2), the school shall:]
82          [(a) waive the participation requirement;]
83          [(b) provide a reasonable alternative to the requirement; or]
84          [(c) notify the requesting party that participation is required.]
85          [(5) The school shall ensure that the provisions of Subsection 53G-10-203(3) are met

86     in connection with any required participation under Subsection (4)(c).]
87          [(6) A student’s academic or citizenship performance may not be penalized if the
88     secondary student or the student’s parent chooses to exercise a religious right or right of
89     conscience in accordance with the provisions of this section.]




Child Coerced into Secret Sexuality Club

Please watch the Glenn Beck video below. Have a very serious conversation with your child and find out what influences are affecting them at their school.

There is a war on parents in our public schools and parents need to find a way to get their children out of toxic environments. The problem is recognizing it’s actually happening right here in “conservative” Utah. Nobody takes action until it’s necessary and they recognize a problem, which means it’s often too late and damage is done.

Davis School District just fought to keep the book “Red Hood” in schools. I couldn’t even read this whole excerpt it’s so shocking. It’s x-rated explicit and being delivered to minors IN UTAH. There are many examples surfacing now of pornographic material being given to our children.

This mom in a Las Vegas school district had her microphone turned off for reading an excerpt from one book to a school board. She was quoting from an assignment her daughter was REQUIRED to do.

Another example that made national news, a Utah teacher in Lehi is on leave after indoctrinating 4th graders on the queer lifestyle.

7th graders in a Salt Lake City middle school were required to take notes on all the different kinds of genders and sexes (beyond male and female).

This war on parents has been going on for decades. A true effort to separate children from parents and get them to adopt a completely different set of values from what their parents have.

You will be shocked by some of the quotes on this page like these:

Public education has served as a check on the power of parents, and this is another powerful reason for maintaining it.”
– John Goodlad, Developing Democratic Character in the Young, pg. 165

“Most youth still hold the same values of their parents… if we do not alter this pattern, if we don’t resocialize, our system will decay.”
– John Goodlad, Schooling for the Future, Issue #9, 1971

John Goodlad is a nationally prominent educator and was HIRED BY BYU. He worked there for a few years in the early 1980’s and then left to start a National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER). BYU’s education department was one of 11 colleges that became founding members and Goodlad was CLEARLY ANTI-FAMILY. BYU’s affiliation with his network continued until 2010 (when we pressured them enough to leave it) and every year’s conference was on topics like social justice and how to put the gay agenda in classrooms. BYU even HOSTED the 2006 NNER conference.

If you don’t think this influence has affected our schools in Utah, you are gravely mistaken.

Today’s rising generation is in a danger zone and so are many teachers who are trying to resist and do their best under hostile working conditions. Both students and many teachers are in a combat zone.

Unless we re-establish the fact that schools should solely teach academics and stay away from beliefs and actually get rid of the indoctrination and teachers pushing it, we are going to lose more and more children while parents are unaware of what’s happening out of sight.

What’s Really Happening in Murray City School District?

If you want to know what some teachers are inflicting on children to confuse them about gender and sex, here’s your dose of reality from right here in Utah, brought to you by these two fine ladies you should vote for in upcoming election races:

Laurel Fetzer (running for state school board seat 5 covering Murray, South Salt Lake, Glendale, and part of West Valley)

April Wilde Despain (running for Murray school district seat 3)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

2022 School Board Candidates

Below you will find candidates to support for the State School Board and the following school districts:


The Alpine school district candidates I have personally spoken to.

The others for Provo & Nebo were endorsed at the GOP county convention when hundreds of delegates got to talk with and endorse the candidates if a clear majority chose to.

Davis were recommended to me by a trusted individual and they are below the Utah county districts.

If you don’t see someone listed that you think should be on the list, or you have vetted another school district, leave a comment below to suggest it and I will consider adding their names to the list.

This is your link to find your state board seat district you live in.

State School Board Candidates to Support

Seat 1 – Jennie Earl


Seat 2 – Joe Kerry


Seat 4 – Melanie Mortensen

Capitol Hill East to City Creek, West through the North end of Rose Park, North through Davis County to Gentile Street in Layton

Phone: 801-898-1323

Meet Melanie

Watch Video in Browser

Video on Facebook to Watch and Share


Seat 5 – Laurel Fetzer

Murray, South Salt Lake, Glendale, and a big part of West Valley



Phone: 385-743-1755

Meet Laurel

Watch Video in Browser

Video on Facebook to Watch and Share


Seat 6 – Melanie Monestere



Phone: 801-898-1323


Seat 8 – Christina Boggess



Phone: 801-872-3249


Seat 11 – Kim DelGrosso

Pleasant Grove, Highland, Cedar Hills, Alpine, Lehi, American Fork, parts of Herriman, parts of Bluffdale, and parts of Draper.




Phone number: 801-420-4018

Meet Kim

Watch Video in Browser

Video on Facebook to Watch and Share


Seat 14 – Emily Green


Phone: 435-938-2652




Alpine School District

Seat 1 – Julie King (Unopposed)


Seat 2 – Charles Wood (in Primary with Joylin Lincoln and others)

Saratoga Springs and West Lehi



Phone: 801-367-6164


Meet Charles

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Video on Facebook to Watch and Share


Seat 2 – Joylin Lincoln (in Primary with Charles Wood and others)

Saratoga Springs and West Lehi



Phone: 801-367-8191

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Video on Facebook to Watch and Share

Seat 4 – Sarah Beeson is the new pick

Lana Nelson – eliminated in primary


Seat 7 – Cole Kelley

West Orem & Vineyard



Facebook: Cole Kelley Alpine Board of Education

Phone: 801-830-4191

Meet Cole

Watch Video in Browser

Video on Facebook to Watch and Share


Provo District – Utah County GOP Endorsements

School Board District 1 – Emily Clark

School Board District 2 – Denice Roney

School Board District 3 – No Endorsement

School Board District 4 – REMOVED


Nebo District – Utah County GOP Endorsements

School Board District 2 – Kristen Betts

School Board District 4 – Ben Woodward (constitutional libertarian not registered as a Republican so the GOP didn’t endorse him but he stands for the right things)

School Board District 5 – No Endorsement


Davis District

Jen Savage running in District 3:



Derek E. Lamb running in District 5:



Jenny Stoker running in District 6:

Vote For Jenny (



Wendy Likert is running in District 7:

Wendy T Likert for Davis School District (




How To Clean Up the Common Core Mess

With permission from Dr. Sandra Stotsky, below is an article she wrote that appeared in the New Boston Post about solving Common Core in Massachusetts (or any state).

Utah needs to replace the standards and what Dr. Stotsky outlines below is great for a broad statewide base. However, in my view, it would be better if school districts and charter schools were allowed to set their own standards and just have the state issue broad graduation guidelines. Instead of the SAT/ACT/SAGE/RISE/Aspire tests have students take the Classical Learning Test. When teachers teach to that test, it will be a higher level of learning with more quality materials used to ensure their students perform better. And stop all the database tracking of students. It’s insane and a violation of privacy.

Now Dr. Stotsky:

With the onset of Common Core, Massachusetts’s education standards for public schools have declined. How can the state regain lost ground?

It’s actually not that hard. Solid standards already exist. What’s needed is the will to implement them.

Massachusetts can again develop effective non-Common Core standards for mathematics and English/reading if the state legislature requires either a return to the state’s pre-Common Core standards in English language arts/reading, science, or mathematics, or the development of K-12 standards in mathematics and in English/reading with the following features and guiding policies.


In mathematics:


1.  Standards for all basic arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, short and long division) and standard algorithms should be taught at the same grade levels as in Singapore Math’s original series for the elementary grades. The four operations should be learned with all the real numbers, positive and negative, and fractional forms like common fractions, decimals, and percents.

How do we know Singapore Mathematics works? Three Massachusetts public elementary schools in the North Middlesex Regional School District (which serves Ashby, Pepperell, and Townsend, all along the New Hampshire border) began teaching it in 2000. The results were encouraging, as articles hereherehere, and here show.

2.  Standards that enable all children in public elementary schools to be prepared via their mathematics curriculum to enroll in and complete a traditional Algebra I course in grade 7 or 8 before going on to advanced science and math in high school. Before 2010, about half of all grade 8 Massachusetts students had completed a traditional Algebra I course before entering grade 9. It sets them up for success in science, which depends on math.

3.  Standards/lessons from Dolciani-authored or co-authored mathematics textbooks in grade 8 and above, where possible. Mary P. Dolciani and the publisher Houghton Mifflin were known as the “king and queen” of secondary mathematics texbooks — from the 1960s to the 1990s. Dolciani died in 1985. Many, perhaps most, secondary algebra teachers in this country were trained on Dolciani-authored textbooks and continue to value them for their structure and method.

As one teacher commented:  “The books were literate in their context, never watered down, but not so abstract that a high school student couldn’t read and follow. What makes this book so unique is the fact that mathematical induction is introduced in Chapter 3 and is carried throughout the book. Normally mathematical induction is included at the end of a precalculus text and is never covered. No other precalculus book prior or since has used this approach. Mathematical induction is a proof-driven treatment for the topics which follow. It makes the students think in a logical manner and enables them, by proof, to understand the full argument of why certain ‘things happen’ in math as they do.”

4.  Standards for Euclidean geometry (with proofs) addressed in separate units in grades 6, 7, and/or 8 (as in Singapore Math), along with standards for separate algebra units, or in a full course in grade 9.

5.  Standards that enable high-achieving math students to enroll in and complete a traditional Algebra II course in grade 10 or 11 and to study trigonometry or a pre-calculus course in grade 11 or 12.


In English/reading:


1.  In the primary grades, explicit reading instruction with systematic phonics/phonemic awareness.  Usage/grammar/roots and prefixes/suffixes, as well as sentence structure and spelling (in other words, writing mechanics) should also be taught.

2.  Standards in grades 3-8 that require about half of what all elementary students read in whole-class history or language arts lessons to come from the excellent series of informational books on historical people and events in U.S. and world history published in the 1950s and 1960s by Random House Publishers.  See this link.

3.  Standards in grades 9-12 that require all high school students to become familiar with historically and culturally significant whole works from the following ten Literary Periods: Classical (1200 BCE–455 CE); Medieval (455 CE–1485 CE); Renaissance (1300–1660): Restoration and 18th Century (1660–1790); Colonial and Early National (1600–1830): Romantic (1790–1870): Realism and Naturalism (1870–1910); Modernist (1910–1945); Post World War II (1945–1980); and Contemporary (1980-2020). (“BCE” here refers to “Before Common Era,” often rendered “B.C.” elsewhere; “CE” here refers to “Common Era,” often rendered “A.D.” elsewhere.) Most of these Literary Periods are spelled out in an appendix in the latest version of Florida’s English language arts standards (page 165), together with the names of authors whose works illustrate their features and a list of the features themselves.

4.  Standards for a coherent literature/reading curriculum for K-12 that address, as did the Massachusetts pre-Common Core English language arts/reading standards, all four major types of literature:  poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and dramatic literature.  See the appendices in the latest version of Florida’s English language arts standards for lists of recommended titles and authors, from K to grade 12, for poetry, fiction, and dramatic literature.

5.  Reading lists showing titles or authors of well-known informational texts in these literary periods that serve as historical context for the literary works selected by the English teacher for classroom instruction. Appendix A and Appendix B in the 2013 version of the Massachusetts English Language Arts Curriculum Framework (which is a condensed version of the 2001/4 English Language Arts Curriculum Framework, composed by Sandra Stotsky) contain lists of recommended authors for K-8 informational reading (vetted by The Horn Book editors and listed under “essays” or “nonfiction” or “historical documents”), as well as recommended authors for 9-12 (vetted by a diverse group of literary scholars).

6.  Reading passages for test items for each tested grade that come from works by authors in these literary periods. As a committee of Massachusetts secondary school English teachers recommended after the first edition of its English standards in 1997, about 60 percent of the passages should be literary, and 40 percent non-literary. Passages from well-known speeches or biographies may be literary or non-literary. (Again, for lists, see the appendices of the recent Florida English Language Arts standards.)


For teacher licensure or certification in Massachusetts:


1.  All elementary, early childhood, and special education teachers (grades K-6) should continue to be required to pass the Reading Licensure Test (MTEL 90) developed in Massachusetts in 2001/2 (or its equivalent). This licensure test helped all teachers of young children to teach beginning reading so effectively that Massachusetts students on average earned first place on National Association of Educational Progress tests in grade 4 and grade 8 in reading and in mathematics from 2005 on. (Reading is crucial in mathematics because of word problems.) Massachusetts students still have the highest state averages in the country, probably because many teachers use the methods they learn to pass the test.

For a description of the Reading Licensure Test’s  development, see here.

2.  All prospective elementary, early childhood, and special education teachers should be required to take and pass the Bay State’s elementary mathematics licensure test (MTEL 53). The skills the test forces teachers to learn helped Massachusetts students earn first place on National Association of Educational Progress tests from 2009 on. This test has a relatively low pass rate overall.

3.  All cut-off scores for performance levels on all student or teacher tests should be set by Massachusetts parents, grade 11 or 12 teachers, and state legislators — instead of using the cut-off scores the state is given from outside the state and/or from the United States Department of Education.

4.  The state’s board of higher education and governor need to require the mathematics, science, and English teaching faculty at each public college or university in the state to analyze the state’s current high school standards for grades 9-12, and issue a signed public report containing their analysis.

5.  The governor and state secretary of education need to ask the math and English teaching faculty at each public college in the state to recommend in writing what standards should be added or changed to make sure that Massachusetts high school students are prepared for freshman and sophomore credit-bearing courses at that college if they plan to attend college in Massachusetts.


Stopping the Nonsense, and Strengthening Public Education


The chief purpose of a standards revision committee would be to strengthen public education in Massachusetts in order to remedy recent federal and state policies designed for low achievers. All students once learned that, regardless of academic achievement, they were politically equal to each other in our civic culture, with a shared civic identity. Yet, policy makers and philanthropists have led low achievers to believe they haven’t succeeded in school because of bigoted educators and communities.

As my last four books try to make clear, all parents and educators must revive the civic mission of their own public schools, and actively help to restore educated citizenship as the goal of K-12 public education. They will also have to help the state legislature to nullify the four-year state “plan” in education that was submitted to the U.S. Department of Education in 2016 for approval under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act without state legislative approval.

Academic standards in public schools aren’t hopeless, but they need help. It starts with the will to do something about them.


Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is professor of education emerita at the University of Arkansas.

The power of a profile

This is from a post on Facebook. The author agreed to let me post this if I kept him anonymous. Please read his brief story and then the content after it.


In the 1980’s and 1990’s I was a political hit man for the Republican Party. I went to state, regional, and many national level training programs to learn campaign management, fund raising, opposition research, psychology, marketing, and social demographic profiling. 

I spent several days in cap stone training in and around the Reagan White House. While there we were shown the events of concern and interest to the US intelligence agencies. Then we went to a room that had multiple TV’s, like a sports bar, and we watched the early, and late news from multiple sources. 

We were asked if any of the events of interest had been reported on TV? No. Then we were shown how each of the major ‘news stories’ that were aired were paid for, provided, and often fabricated by special interest groups – every single story. Even those stories that don’t directly benefit the paying party are purchased in order to detract or just keep the wheels greased for a future needed favor. That was 1988 and I can only imagine where we are today. 

In 1988 I could only handle about 12 social demographic profile points for each targeted voter.
Hunting and fishing permits, gun ownership, college major, employment, union, political donations, non-political donations, credit card spending, property tax payment and challenge history, license, magazine subscriptions, church affiliation, social club affiliation, fraternity membership, military service, self employment, married, parents, age of children, caring for an adult parent, etc.

With that info I could craft pro and con messages that were highly persuasive to each voter, winning 60%+ of the voters in highly Democrat districts – an impossible feat w/o the data I was trained to gather, interpret, and use.

I was so fascinated with the psychology they taught me, that I eventually developed a successful stage hypnosis show to entertain audiences and increase my skill sets.

Today Google, Youtube, Facebook, and others can ID and target thousands of social demographic profile points on each of us. With their massive data and free communications reach for each voter, they can push, conceal, and change messages to impact state and national votes. Research and internal memos suggest, this election, they can and will readily sway 13% of the national presidential vote away from Donald Trump and other “deplorable” Republicans. They will use their monopoly status to rig the elections, and launch themselves into unprecedented positions of power. Imagine being able to get any national official to vote for anything you put in front of them – or else. 

Trump knows all this. He also knows that the Dems were not satisfied with education, media, and social media on their side, they felt they had to use the IRS, NSA and FBI as well. By the grace of God Trump won. He has been taking down the IRS, FBI and NSA mechanism that was weaponized against us. His next step has got to be to neutralize social media. 

Before the 2020 elections Google, FB, and Youtube are likely to be treated by AG Barr as criminal anti-trust monopolies. Timing is the only question for me. Soon would allow the voters to settle back down and forget but might allow the opposition camps to reorganize, or closer to the election which will impact the voters but keep the opposition from getting back on their feet. I will predict a crack down on social media for anti-trust violations around July of 2020.

PS. I am no longer a hit man for the GOP. When I moved to AZ I contacted party leadership, presented my credentials, and was not welcome. McCain had the party locked up and did not want any outside talent. I was glad to be in a conservative state, get some rest, and raise my boys. Now I am no longer able to physically keep pace with a congressional, senate, or governors campaign.


What does this have to do with the education system? Everything. Our children have no privacy. A handful of data points on them tell officials everything they need to know about what kind of home they come from.

How is this data gathered? All kinds of avenues that we’ve been pointing out for nearly a decade now. Here’s the latest. Last week, Canyon’s school district sent out this letter to comply with parental notification of student screening for behavior.

“Students in need of additional support…might be ‘at-risk’…for behavior and/or social-emotional challenges.”

This is an opt-out item, not opt-in. Parents, please feel free to opt your children out. No behavioral testing should ever be done on students on an opt-out basis. SAGE tests are behavioral and every parent should opt their children out of those as well. The less governmental tracking of citizens, the better.

Second, because of the SLDS (Statewide Longitudinal Database System), there is far too much information being stored on our children and being shared between agencies opens up all kinds of problems. It’s an invasion of privacy for our children, and families. A few data points tells a lot about our homes and if you don’t know how much data is being recorded or asked for, check out this post exposing the 187 *PAGE* list of data the government wants to collect on Kindergarten to first graders.

Third, storing this information is not safe. A recent news story told of a teenage computer whiz who found a vulnerability in a popular software product used by many schools ( The company didn’t take him seriously, so he used their software with the exploit he found to send out a group message to all parents on the system. That got the attention of the school, and the company. :) He was then suspended, but the company finally woke up and paid attention to the exploit. Our children’s behavioral information being stored on school systems will not be secure. Hack after hack proves this.

We live in dangerous times and everyone wants their slice of data to do analysis (translated as: “can I make the statistics say what I want them to say”; political campaign marketing; mass manipulation; etc…). The state of Utah doesn’t event protect adult privacy ( With the proposed red flag laws popping up over recent shooting events identifying people that someone deems might not ought to have access to guns, it’s a very small step to go further down the totalitarian road and use databases of information on the next type of people that government wants to restrict freedom on. As long as it’s done piecemeal, the people unaffected by the next step are less likely to protest. Freedoms will evaporate little by little. We already have Orwell’s ministry of truth run by Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Speech is being restricted and it’s going to be harder to access alternative views.

With the new school year starting, you should seriously homeschool or at least enroll your children at schools that offer alternatives to Common Core and the database scheming. Until public schools stop the madness, you are doing the right thing. You may feel trapped, but I promise you aren’t. Homeschooling isn’t as hard as it seems and a child who misses a year of school, hasn’t missed out on much.

One of my own children petitioned us to homeschool her during one of her middle schools years. Aside from a math textbook, she studied things she chose to study. An outsider from the department of education would have scoffed at her studies that year, but she had time to explore and determine what she had an interest in. It was almost like a sabbatical year. Then she started experimenting with various options available to her and did a blend of things. By the time she was ready for college, she had NO high school diploma, but she had transcripts from a few institutions as well as a list of things she did homeschooling. She wound up with a 4 year, 75% tuition scholarship to college. You don’t need that piece of paper from a high school.

In fact, college is becoming less important as well. If you want more information, plan on attending the 2019 Agency-Based Education conference (10/26 in Bountiful, UT) where you’ll hear Connor Boyack talk about his new book “Skip College” and I’ll be sharing more information about my daughter’s story and what options are available to you.

Governor Keep Your Promise

(Download the 2017 Utah GOP Convention Flier)

Action Items

Tweet #GovernorKeepYourPromise

Call the governor at: 801-538-1000

Protect your Children’s Privacy – Get the Toolkit

Governor Herbert told Republican delegates during his campaign in 2016, that he would put an end to Common Core and restore local education control. But, nothing came of his promise:

May 4, 2016: Governor Herbert issued a letter and visited the s State School Board to ask them to withdraw from Common Core. The State Board voted to do so, pending funding from the legislature. Nobody followed through to get the legislature to fund it. The Governor should lead out and use his position to keep this promise to Utah.

Trump’s US Education Secretary Pretends like Common Core doesn’t exist (just like Utah’s State School Board):

February 16, 2017: Education Week reported that Trump’s US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos told Michigan radio station host Frank Beckmann that the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) effectively does away “with the notion of the Common Core.”

April 17, 2016: President Trump’s US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos claimed, “There isn’t really any Common Core anymore.” (In her home state of Michigan, DeVos has heavily promoted Common Core with personal funding to lobbying groups)

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President Obama’s administration designed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to look like the bill was returning power to the states, when the administration had already effectively given power over states and districts to Common Core’s creators through Race to the Top:

December 10, 2015: President Obama signed No Child’s Left Behind’s replacement called the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The White House issued a report, and said, “The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that President Obama signs today builds upon the significant success of the President’s education policies…”.

The White House further reported, “Today, as President Obama signs that bill into law, the White House is releasing an analysis of progress made in elementary and secondary education since the President took office and how ESSA will cement that progress.”

President Trump’s US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is moving forward with Obama’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and telling Common Core’s creators that THEY represent local control:

May 20, 2017: President Trump’s US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos gave a speech to Common Core’s co-creators, the CCSSO* and told them that the CCSSO would be in charge of state’s and district’s reforms now that Obama’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is in place.

*Note: The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a CEO led club for all State Superintendents in the country. They co-created Common Core and have effectively taken all the control that State Superintendents have given them. Their recent publications show that their mission is antagonistic to parents and American ideals. See page x and xi of their book about global, online Competency-Based Education and see what they say about American parents.

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The Obama administration designed Race to the Top for Assessments to eliminate state/district control over online curriculum and assessments. States are going along with online curriculum and assessment reforms because they are now backed by ESSA:

President Obama’s Race to the Top for Assessments helps—with the CCSSO’s help—Common Core’s Common Education Data Standards. This initiative was designed to undercut local control over online curriculum and assessments by uniting the Ed Tech industry around common international technology standards. Eventually, tests can become interoperable—globally.

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Utah’s System of Higher Education Partnered with the CCSSO to align K-12 and Higher Ed to Common Core:

July 19, 2016: Utah’s System of Higher Education reported that Utah has partnered with the CCSSO, and other Common Core creators, to “improve teacher preparation for K-20 schools”—with the new guidance from President Obama’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

October 15, 2016: Utah’s System of Higher Education reported that Obama’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) “provides unique partnership opportunity for Higher Ed and K-12”:

The CCSSO started giving “guidance” to states on online assessment “best practices” and implementation:

President Obama’s Chief Technology Officer, Richard Culatta bragged that Common Core’s Next Generation Assessments can collect 100,000 pieces of personal information on EVERY CHILD, EVERY DAY:

The idea of creating massive personal profiles on students’ values, attitudes and behaviors is supported by a Bill Gates’ funded project at Arizona State University through a computer-adaptive learning platform called Knewton:

Knewton’s founder claims that their learning and assessment platforms can collect “5 to 10 million actionable data per student per day” as part of “personalizing learning.”

The Every Student Succeeds Act supports mass data-mining of student’s social-emotional skills (values, attitudes and behaviors):

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Arizona State University and Global Silicon Advisors (ASU+GSV) hosted an Ed Tech Summit at Utah’s Grand America. Many progressive leaders behind Common Core spoke, as did many prominent Utahns. GSV Advisor’s wants to use Common Core to globalize online curriculum and assessments within the next 10 years—finally allowing the global elite to eliminate local school boards:

See page 292 of GSV Advisor’s publication, “American Revolution 2.0” to read their 15-year Strategic Vision:

Trump’s US Education Secretary spoke to ASU+GSV Summit leaders as if they represent parents and local education control:

Deseret News oped by Utah mom, Autumn Foster Cook about the ASU+GSV Summit:

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The elite groups behind Common Core have been open about their desires to use online curriculum and assessments to eliminate local education control:

“Conservative” Fordham Institute:
“…leaving local districts and boards in charge of digital instruction will retard innovation, entrepreneurship, collaboration, and smart competition, simultaneously stifling students’ ability to find—and be taught by—the very best educators around the globe.”

Fordham has taken funding from the Gates’ Foundation (the largest funder of Common Core).

Achieve Inc*.:
*Achieve Inc. co-created Common Core with the CCSSO and National Governors Association. Their founder, Louis Gerstner, the former head of IBM, wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal after President Obama was elected. The sub headline read: “Let’s abolish local school districts and finally adopt national standards.”

The Gordon Commission:
Jeb Bush’s partner, former Governor Bob Wise, is part of the Gordon Commission—funded through the Obama administration. The 2013 Commission’s report stated:

“The Common Core Standards, and the rethinking of assessments that they are fostering, provide an opportunity to challenge [the] deeply held belief in local control.

In 2011, Jeb Bush and Bob Wise published an oped in Utah’s Deseret News about how Utah was implementing all of their digital learning policies:

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The CCSSO and the Obama administration’s US Department of Education developed Common Core’s Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) so that global elites could profit from gathering private information about student’s values, attitudes and behaviors in the “new global economy”. Massive dossiers on students from cradle to career will create their new “goldmine”:

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Parent Privacy Toolkit

Parents should know how to protect their children’s private learning information from both third-party curriculum and assessment providers and states and districts. Here is an excellent resource, the PARENT TOOLKIT:

Utah Lt. Governor’s Bombshell on Common Core

Spencer CoxRecently given to me by someone who shall remain anonymous, the below emails by Utah Lt. Governor Spencer Cox, while not completely accurate on all points, shows that he recognized problems and tried to get the Governor on board with changing Common Core two years ago. Then he shared his old email again this year during the heat of the campaign. I think the Governor even used some lines from this speech when he spoke to the State Board this summer asking them to replace Common Core and help his campaign which was getting hammered over his strong support for Common Core.

Utah Speaker of the House Greg Hughes recently endorsed Dr. Gary Thompson stating “Dr. Gary Thompson is a conservative champion who will support common sense policies for students and protect local control. He is a man of integrity who will be a welcome addition to a new and improved state board of education.”

The Utah Technology council recently put out this slate of candidates they recommend voting for (but don’t directly “endorse”). I agree with all of them but district 13 which I have changed to the school teacher running for office that the UEA didn’t endorse (showing they do NOT represent teachers, they represent their own agenda). He’s opposed to federal intrusion and Common Core. Check out his website below.

District 10: DR. GARY THOMPSON – (Eastern Salt Lake County from I-215 to Draper including parts of Cottonwood Heights & Midvale, Sandy, Draper): (
District 11: LISA CUMMINS – (Southwest Salt Lake County including South Jordan, Riverton, Herriman, Bluffdale and Northwest Utah County including Cedar Fort & Fairfield) (
District 12: ALISA ELLIS – (Orem, Lindon and Summit, Wasatch, Duchesne, Daggett, Uintah Counties) (
District 13: SCOTT NEILSON – (Provo, Spanish Fork) (
District 15: MICHELLE BOULTER – (Washington & Iron Counties): (

It looks to me like there is some strong support for these candidates!!!

Also, in Alpine School District, please vote for Rachel Thacker in seat 4, and Miriam Ellis in seat 6.


From: “Spencer J. Cox”
Date: April 8, 2016 at 8:10:33 AM MDT
Subject: Fwd: Common Core Thoughts

I don’t mean for this to be an “I told you [him] so,” and it’s probably too late to do anything now. However, I found this email from 2 years ago that I wrote as a proposed statement for the Governor to solve the Common Core dilemma. I’m guessing anything we do now will just look too politically motivated. But if we happen to get reelected, we might consider actually doing something about the growing frustration.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Spencer Cox
Date: May 6, 2014 at 10:17:04 AM MDT
To: “Spencer J. Cox”
Subject: Common Core Thoughts

Let me state at the outset, that I firmly believe in the importance of high academic standards in all subject areas for Utah students. We have a proud history of academic standards in Utah that pre-date the common core. Over the past year, I have listened intently to the growing chorus of concern with regards to the adoption of Common Core standards. While there is clearly a great deal of misinformation being disseminated on both sides of this issue, there are legitimate concerns that I share with those opposed to the Common Core. As I have listened, and researched, it has become clear to me that, although well-intentioned, the conflict, discord and divisiveness associated with these standards is doing more harm than good. Unfortunately, we have lost the focus on what matters most–our students and making sure our teachers have the resources and tools necessary to provide a world-class education. As such, today I announce that I am withdrawing my support for Common Core.

In doing so, I wish to reiterate the three main principals that should guide our actions in Utah when it comes to academic standards for our public schools. These principals are:
1) maintaining high academic standards in all subject areas for all our students
2) keeping the federal government out of education decisions in Utah
3) preserving local control of curriculum, materials and instructional practices

In light of this decision, I am proposing a special session of the legislature for a few distinct reasons. First, to give the legislature an opportunity to weigh in on this debate. While the actual decision on Common Core rests with the State Board of Education, I believe that, as elected representatives of the people, we have a duty to weigh in on this critical debate. As such, I would like to give the legislature an opportunity to make their voices heard.

Next, just as important as the actual educational standards is the PROCESS at which we arrive at those standards. This should be a Utah process and this should be a transparent process. During the last session, the Legislature passed HB342, sponsored by Rep. Layton, which I signed into law. This bill requires the establishment of a standards review committee made up of 7 subject experts including teachers, higher ed faculty, business representatives, along with 10 parents of students currently in public schools. While I believe this is the right concept, today I am proposing legislation to expand of this committee to include….[….] The legislation would further provide direction for this independent to allow for public comment and discourse. If you have a problem with a specific standard, your voice will be heard.

This committee will begin a review of all academic standards, beginning with our math standards, and will make recommendations for improvement in the standards.  Some standards might be removed, some standards might be made more rigorous, and many standards might not be changed at all. I will ask this team to assure that we have rigorous academic standards which will prepare Utah students for entrance into our universities, applied technology colleges, or other specialized training programs without the need for remediation. I will also ask them to report on how the standards are preparing advanced students for placement in accelerated programs in and out of the state. I am inviting parents, teachers, and other members of the general public to submit alternative standards or written suggestions for improvement on the current math and English language arts standards to this team of experts, who will evaluate all suggestions.

Furthermore, the proposed legislation will give the committee the ability to make recommendations regarding implementation of new standards. One of the biggest faults with Common Core has been the unfortunately rushed sometimes shaky implementation in many districts. Too often the problems with implementation have resulted from a lack of available curriculum and a lack of necessary training for our teachers. Because of a significant reduction in professional development days for teachers, it is more difficult than ever for our teachers to understand, prepare for and implement the new standards. I promise to work with the legislature next year to push for an increase in funding for professional development days. We must listen to the concerns and complaints of teachers and administrators who truly understand the needs and difficulties of these critical changes in their classrooms.

I also want to reiterate that, in Utah we take the issue of local control a step further, by requiring that locally-elected school boards and charter schools choose the curriculum, materials, and instructional methods to be used in their schools. As the Governor I will continue to support this local control and will work to shore up state resources for curriculum development at the local level. The State Board of Education is drafting a rule that would require all charter schools and school boards to establish a process for local review and response to curriculum, increasing transparency in this process. This will provide yet another process to ensure that we keep education local.

Two years ago I worked with Sen Margaret Dayton on SB287, which requires Utah to “exit any agreement, contract, memorandum of understanding, or consortium that cedes control of Utah’s core curriculum to any other entity for any reason.” We are currently in complete compliance with this state law, and under my watch we will continue to keep the federal government out of education decisions in Utah. I understand that the State Board of Education is re-evaluating their waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind mandate to confirm that it is also in compliance with this law and look forward to their report. I call upon our congressional delegation to fix and reauthorize No Child Left Behind so that Utah and isn’t forced into the position of having to request a waiver.

In addition to concerns about Common Core, I have also listened to complaints regarding testing in our schools. It is important to note that the new SAGE adaptive testing is NOT tied directly to the Common Core. This testing was first recommended […..] This is a distinctly Utah test, developed in Utah and reviewed in Utah by Utah educators, administrators and parents. I also support the idea of using technology, and computer adaptation, to better assess the knowledge of our students. However, while I believe in the importance of testing and accountability, I share three distinct concerns with testing.

First, the amount of testing. There is rising concern that we have gone from not enough testing to too much testing. Although there is disagreement among experts on this issue, I worry that we might be spending too much of our time testing, and that testing is weighted too heavily in when it comes to evaluating our students and teachers. As such, I will also propose that our independent standards committee also be empowered to evaluate the amount and significance of testing.

Second, I am deeply concerned about the secrecy surrounding this new testing. While I do NOT believe that there are any conspiracies or hidden agendas in the SAGE testing, openness will always be best way to engender trust. If we truly have nothing to hide, then we should stop hiding. While I do not support the wide-release of off all test-questions prior to a test (for obvious reasons), I absolutely believe that students, parents and teachers should have the opportunity to review the questions missed by the student. I call on the State Board to make whatever policy changes are necessary to allow for the release of this information.

Third, I worry about the type of data being collected, the purposes and uses of that data and, critically, the security of that data. While I understand and support the importance of collecting data to improve our education system generally and to respond to the individual education needs of our students, we must be extremely careful in the way we use and store this data. To this end, I have asked Dr. Eric Denna to lead a review of student data collection and protection practices in Utah and issue a report on how we are protecting student privacy and whether or not additional measures need to be taken. Dr. Denna is the director of information technology information services at the University of Utah and previous managed very large information services, such as the worldwide information systems for the LDS church as well as several other large corporations.

Let me conclude by stating that I understand education is a very passionate issue–and it should be. The future of our state and nation depends in a very real way on the education of our children. More than ever, we are competing in a global marketplace and must raise the level of education. We should not be afraid of high standards or hard tests. We can and should expect more of our students, more of our teachers, more of our parents, more of our legislature and more of our governor. I know these changes will not silence all of the critics, but I do hope that we can now take these divisive issues off the table and move forward, together, on the things that really matter.

Common Core’s Role in Hot State School Board Race

Originally posted at Posted with permission.


Senate President Niederhauser and House Speaker Hughes

The State School Board race has never drawn much attention before. But this year, the Salt Lake Tribune reported, businesses and even top-tier elected officials are personally campaigning and fundraising for and against certain candidates.

Yesterday’s headline was: “Niederhauser and Hughes ask Business Leaders to Help Defeat UEA-Backed School Board Candidates“.  Yesterday, too, business organizations such as the Utah Technology Council and the School Improvement Association joined Niederhauser and Hughes in a fundraising webinar that promoted a slate of pro-Common Core candidates who happen to be not favored by or funded by national teacher’s unions.

I understand why someone with a conscience would campaign against out-of-state big UEA-NEA money buying Utah’s state board election.  So they should.

But I don’t understand why these groups have chosen to campaign against both the anti-Common Core candidates (in blue) as well as against the UEA-backed candidates (in red) as they showed in this slide at yesterday’s insider fundraising webinar:


Nor do I understand why our House Speaker and Senate President don’t see the hypocrisy in speaking against big money buying votes (NEA) while both of them are personally funded by big business money (Education First).

But my bigger questions are: how do the Speaker and the Senate President dare to campaign for Common Core candidates, thus going directly against Governor Herbert’s call to end Common Core alignment in Utah?

How do they dare campaign against the resolution of their own Utah Republican Party that called for the repeal of the Common Core Initiative?

Have they forgotten the reasons that their party is strongly opposed to all that the Common Core Initiative entails?

Have they forgotten Governor Herbert’s letter that called for an end to Common Core and SAGE testing just four months ago? (See letter here.)  For all the talk about wanting to move toward local control and to move against the status quo, this seems odd.

Next to the governorship, there aren’t more powerful offices in the state than those held by House Speaker Hughes and Senate President Niederhauser. So what does this powerful endorsement of a certain slate of candidates signify?

First, it signifies what is probably a sincere concern for (partial) local control: In the fundraising webinar held yesterday (by Hughes, Niederhauser, the School Improvement Network and the Utah Technology Council) the following slide was displayed:  Out of $308,512 raised for the political action of the Utah UEA (teacher’s union) $300,000 of it came from out of state.  Hughes and Niederhauser are right in being alarmed at that money’s probable effect on local control.



(What they didn’t highlight is this: all of the anti-Common Core candidates’ funding, combined, doesn’t come close to what even one of the UEA-funded candidates are spending because none of them are backed by corporate or political powers.)

Secondly, it signifies Utah leadership’s alignment with Obama’s vision for education, which among other things mandates sidelining certain subjects in favor of others. Niederhauser told the Tribune that he didn’t want any board member’s vision to “dominate the board” which, to  him, meant to “supplant business and technology representatives.”  So he wants to make sure that business and technology is at least as dominant as any other interest.   The School Improvement Network is of the same opinion.

We could ask why. Why, specifically, would legislators be endorsing the fields of business and technology over the fields of languages, medicine, history, social work, the arts or any other thing?  And where’s the idealogical division between what NEA wants and what Niederhauser-Hughes want?  Is it fair to speculate that NEA corporate funders are in competition against the Education First corporate funders, and all of this is just an economic struggle pretending to be a struggle for the children’s best interests?  Utah tax dollars are, after all, the passionate pursuit of multiple players in the now $2 Billion per year ed tech sales industry.

Many people know that both Hughes and Niederhauser’s political campaigns are heavily funded by Education First, a Utah political action committee for Prosperity 2020 that puts businesses first.

Not voters first.  Not education –broadly– first; this is education as defined by the ed-tech sales industry and by Obama’s 2020 vision. Read it in their own words.  In an Tribune op-ed taking credit for passing legislation that Education First had lobbied for, you’ll see little focus on funding for paper and pens, school basketballs, violins, gluesticks, old-fashioned books, or heaven forbid, large teachers’ salaries– no, ed funding to Education First means to fund the priorities that precisely (coincidentally?) match Obama’s 2020 vision:  early childhood education (which competes with free enterprise/private preschools), workforce development (China-styled central planning) “community schools” (Obama’s vision to integrate healthcare with academics and with socio-political movements “using government schools as a hub”) and standardized personalized learning (an oxymoron that cements Common Core academics and its data tags).

Don’t mistake this as a fight between tech lovers and tech haters.  None of the candidates for state school board are anti-technology, though the smart ones are pushing for improved laws governing student privacy in this modern age.

So what are Hughes and Niederhauser really saying when they say they’re for the pro-tech candidates?  What does that really mean?  That Utahns should sit back and let the ed tech sales industry, or businesses, sit in the driver’s seat for educational decision-making?  That’s the stated aim of Education First (in Utah) and of Obama’s 2020 (nationally) and, according to his Tribune quote above, it’s also the aim of President Niederhauser.

Education First doggedly, directly, lobbies citizens, governments, and school districts, to strong-arm their narrow vision, that businesses should “help” direct education.  They refer to my child and yours as the economy’s.  They call children “human capital” on their website.  This is, when ripe, the 1992 Hillary-Tucker dream coming true, with the collective economy dictating to the individual on the assembly line.

Education First wants a high “concentration of science and engineering occupations” in Utah, which you may or may not agree with; what I hope you do agree with is that this new, business – public ed partnershipping governance system, with business being handed power to influence schooling, when taken to the extreme, is fascism.  In fascism, there’s no distinction between government and business.  And the voter has no say.

Do we want to walk down that slippery slope?  Do we want the Education First business community to be given power in schools?

Whether promoting science and engineering at the expense of other subject and careers is the will of the people, or not, really doesn’t come in to the discussion. Prosperity 2020 has said that businesses will “provide a business oriented plan to improve results” for schools.

If Hughes or Niederhauser would respond to my emails to them, I would ask them this:  how is it any more helpful toward Constitutional local control–  if that is what you really want– to let businesses take over the driver’s seat for educators, as your financial backers aim to do, than for out of state (NEA) funding to call the same shots?  Either way, students and schools and voters lose personal freedoms to self-appointed experts who think they know best.

So when Niederhauser worries that “big money groups effectively buy the election,” he is right.  The hundreds of thousands of dollars pouring in to NEA-UEA approved candidates’ purses should raise eyebrows.  But shouldn’t the same eyebrows rise too, seeing in-state big money groups like Education First and Prosperity 2020 now, as in the past, funding the pro-Common Core candidates –and funding Hughes and Niederhauser themselves– effectively buying the election in the very same way?

Meanwhile, none of the liberty-first, anti-Common Core candidates,  Alisa Ellis, Lisa Cummins, Michelle Boulter or Dr. Gary Thompson, are richly funded.   All they really have to stand on is true principles of liberty –and word of mouth.

Many voters know that Common Core is anti-local control.  The Governor almost lost in the primary to anti-Common Core challenger Jonathan Johnson because of this.  The Governor was repeatedly booed at political conventions this year because he had been such a promoter of the Common Core, prior to his turnaround.  What will the governor say about Niederhauser’s and Hughes’ current effort?  More importantly, what will voters say?

Dr. Gary Thompson, a district 10 candidate for state school board, said today:

“I was pleased the that the Speaker of the House and Senator Neiderhauser identified who the “anti common core” education candidates are in this election. I was pleased to be labeled as one of them. This provides a clear choice for members in the community to chose from as they please.  Comments made by the Speaker in regards to the UEA did not receive a prior endorsement by this campaign.  I look forward to having a professional, cordial discussion with my UEA endorsed opponent on September 28th regarding education issues that will affect our children in District 10″

For anyone wanting to watch the debates between state school board candidates, please check that schedule here. 


Pictured below are the candidates for state school board that I endorse, whom the UEA, NEA, UTC, SIN, Senate President and House Speaker do not:

For true local control of education:

Alisa Ellis, Michelle Boulter, Lisa Cummins, Dr. Gary Thompson.

alisa vote


lisa cummins

dr t

Utah is Losing Teachers. Clintons, Gates and Feds are Supplying Them

Lately we’re hearing a lot about America’s teachers leaving their beloved profession.  Utah’s State School Board is answering this problem, not by restoring local control over education, but by doubling-down on federal initiatives that dismantle local control over curriculum.

Here’s what every parent and local school board member needs to know about the teacher shortage:

Believe it or not, the teacher shortage was a pre-planned effect of the Common Core testing initiatives. Yep. As we’ve learned from the history of nations, governments create the problem and then step in with the solution (or noose).

And, now that Utah is losing teachers, guess who is already there to help us train more teachers?  Yep. The good old Feds and their Global partners. This racket is part of federal STEM initiatives.

Utah’s State School Board will begin giving licenses to teachers who receive training from “Master Teachers.” But, ask yourself this, “Who will be training the Master Teachers and who will the Master Teachers be?”

In July 2012, the Obama administration called for funding for its STEM Master Teacher Corp. The  goal is to train (and give federal stipends to) 10,000 Master Teachers in STEM fields—with the end-goal being to train 100,000 STEM teachers in 10 years.

An early announcement for this STEM Master teacher workforce was at the Clinton Global Initiative’s 2011 meeting in Chicago. Here’s what 100Kin10 (a group that answered—after helping create—the Obama administration’s call to build the STEM Master Teacher pipeline) said about itself in July 2016,

“100Kin10 was launched five years ago at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) America Meeting in Chicago in June 2011, with 28 initial partners pledging to go above-and-beyond their existing strategies to help secure 100,000 excellent STEM teachers for America’s classrooms.”

Then, 100Kin10 announced that President Obama was a full partner:

“President Obama Announces 100Kin10 Has Commitments to the Full 100,000 New STEM Teacher Goal”

Then, they said, “100Kin10 joined with President Obama today, on National Teacher Appreciation Day, to announce that it has secured the commitments to train 100,000 new, excellent science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) teachers by 2021, achieving a major milestone in the ambitious goal laid out by the President five years ago. As of today’s announcement, the 100Kin10 network of 280+ national partners has collectively pledged more than $90 million to support the development and ongoing support of 100,000 new STEM teachers; and 30,000 new teachers have already been trained. The President highlighted today’s achievement as a feature of his legacy on education.”

Now, don’t forget that STEM teaching and learning means something different to conservatives than it means to progressives, which is why local control of education is so critical. Remember that President Obama thinks that climate change is the world’s worst threat.

And, speaking to UNESCO in 2010, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said,

“The United States cannot, acting by itself, dramatically reduce poverty and disease or develop sustainable sources of energy. America alone cannot combat terrorism or curb climate change. To succeed, we must collaborate with other countries.

Those new partnerships require American students to develop better critical thinking abilities, cross-cultural understanding, and facility in multiple languages. They also will require U.S. students to strengthen their skills in science, technology, engineering, and math—the STEM fields that anchor much of our innovation in the global economy.

These new partnerships must also inspire students to take a bigger and deeper view of their civic obligations—not only to their countries of origin but to the betterment of the global community. A just and socially responsible society must also be anchored in civic engagement for the public good.”

You’ll want to read the full speech because Arne talks about how Governors jumped onto the Fed’s Common Core bandwagon and that federal education reforms were about global/systemic change, not academic standards.

Bill Gates, the largest funder of Common Core AND the largest funder of the 100Kin10 initiative is in favor of combatting climate change by controlling population.

And, just for a little bit of history, this entire racket was started back in 2009 with the Obama administration’s Educate to Innovate initiative. The White House announced their goals:

  1. Build a CEO-led coalition to leverage the unique capacities of the private sector (what CEO’s do we see leading the STEM initiatives in Utah? Know any of them personally? Share this article with them.)
  2. Prepare 100,000 new and effective STEM teachers over the next decade
  3. Showcase and bolster federal investment in STEM
  4. Broaden participation to inspire a more diverse STEM talent pool

As reported by Science Magazine,
“The president’s plan would be to start with 2500 teachers—50 at 50 sites across the country—and add locations over the next 4 years until there were 10,000 teachers in the corps. The teachers, who would serve for 5 years, would be selected by the local districts and deployed as needed.”

Now, that the Feds have surpassed their first objective, their onto training 100,000 progressive teachers—and Utah’s State School Board is right on board with the federal agenda.

Utah’s State School Board elections could not be more critical than this year. Please. Vote for these candidates (which includes Jonathan Johnson for Governor, #HireJJ) so that we can restore local control over what our teachers learn and teach, and what our children learn about what creates freedom. Hint: It isn’t big government.