State Board Audio Transcript on Adopting Common Core

From the audio from June 4, 2010 –first CC vote

Wendy Hart sent me this transcription of the first Common Core vote

State Board June 4, 2010:

5:48–”on the cutting edge of adopting the Common Core standard…the final iteration of the State Common Core standards just came out like two days ago…you have it before you….There is background on this whole initiative, and then you have two documents that make comparisons…

Laurel (Committee report) 7:15: Recommending that the board adopt the common core of states standards as a framework on first reading and we have time for the board members to go in and study this material and then we have second and third reading in August. The momentum in terms of this, although we can do it at any point in time, it is something we probably want to move ahead on more quickly rather than later. Acceptance of the Common Core standards does have some bearing in terms of the points that we receive for our second application for the funding from the federal government. So that would need to happen quite quickly. There is some angst among some people in terms of having to accept a common core standard, and so some of you may still be at that level. Many of us have already gone through that and feel ready to move ahead. We need to bear in mind that if Utah accepts the Common Core standards as iterated by that committee and it has been vetted through multiple people and agencies….if we do it, we accept the whole thing as it is. We don’t nit-pick and wordsmith this, it’s accept it. Then at that point, in terms of using it as a framework, we can plug in the details…map out the curriculum in terms of what’s actually going to happen in the classroom…. we can add to it, we just can’t take away any of that curriculum.

19:30: Brenda Hales: It’s a sea change, and what we thought when we talked about this in the committee is we know you haven’t had time to look, so if the board adopts on first reading, then it gives you time the next month and a half to review it for second and third in August.

19:47: (Debra Roberts?) Laurel, our expectation then is to have the board vote on first reading. Does everyone understand that? So, even though the committee approved it on first reading, it’s coming to you for first reading and then we’ll do second and third reading in August.

20:08: Sup. Shumway: The reason for that is various, sort of strategic reasons as we may find ourselves in an interview relative to our Race to the Top application.

All those in favor, say “Aye”.. “Aye” Any opposed? Thank you.

2 thoughts on “State Board Audio Transcript on Adopting Common Core”

  1. It appears to me there were concerns among the board members, but in order to still be in the running for massive federal grants (my money, and yours) they approved it anyway. Seems a bit hasty.

    But wasn’t the decision already made 6 months earlier to invest millions of Utah dollars into competing for Race To the Top money? The legal decision was made in June, and the actual financial decision was made in Dec, six months earlier.

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