Here are a few recent articles that have come out which everyone should read, particularly visitors from the state office of education that visit this site. I have to believe some of you are alert to these issues and I find it completely disingenuous that the public line from USOE is to continue to portray our Common Core issues as “it’s just about the standards.” It’s minimally about the standards, like maybe 10%. Most of the issues are related to the baggage that came with the Common Core reforms and the nationalizing of education under a corporate network.
Joy Pullman’s top 10 things parents hate about Common Core
A most excellent summary of the real issues and not one of them is about the standards.
Remarkable Idiocy: “Economically-driven Education”
Mercedes Schneider’s article rings home. This article serves to expose the not-well-understood truth that education has become fascist. It exists to serve big business and is driven and controlled by them.
Reframing the Common Core discussion: A battle for our freedom
This article by Laurie Rogers is a little similar to the first but also a must read for the differing content.
“If I were to build a list of the worst systemic problems in public education, the Common Core State Standards would not be at the top of the list. The Common Core (CCSS) is a huge problem, to be sure. It’s dictatorial, inadequate, experimental, expensive, developmentally inappropriate, politically infused – it’s nearly everything critics have said it is. But it isn’t the worst problem we face.
That dishonor goes to The Network, a moniker I’ve given to the conglomeration of corporate and government interests (and their allies) that have seized control of America’s classrooms.”
Supporting Alternatives to Common Core
“Nothing short of a radical break from the political educational machine, will bring back valid education.” Vote with your shoes.