All public welcome.
Parent-Led Reform has released a Twitter Guide for Dummies:
Let your voice be heard and get questions answered from leading experts across the Country regarding the Common Core Reform Agenda. See below for information and then go to the Facebook event page and register today.
Local Parents to Join National Twitter Rally Opposing Common Core
April 13, 2013 (Salt Lake City, UT) — Utahns Against Common Core (UACC) invites concerned citizens to advocate for local control of education without leaving their homes, or lifting a finger.
Instead, they can use their thumbs to “tweet” concerns in a #Stopcommoncore Twitter Rally, hosted by Parent Led Reform, that is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16th from 10:00 a.m. to noon, MDT.
During that time, @ParentLedReform will be hosting an expert panel and a multi-state coalition of organizations like UACC to discuss reasons to #stopcommoncore by tweeting and following messages with that hashtag.
“I am fighting the common core reform agenda to bring the power of the education of my children back to the local level,” says Utah mother-turned-parent-activist Alisa Ellis. “No parent should ever be told, as I was, by their local administrators, ‘Our control is gone. We can do nothing.’ We must bring back local control of education so that parents have a voice. We, the people, must stop this federal and private industry power grab over our local schools.”
More than 150 groups and individuals have already joined the rally. Many are parents who are concerned about the nationalization of education, intrusive data collecting and testing, and unproven or subpar education expectations that are related to the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI.)
The CCSSI is the product of an extragovernmental collaboration between the US Department of Education, Governors, and like-minded education reformers and vendors that was brokered by the National Governor’s Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers.
The expert panel will include:
Shane Vander Hart: Blogger and Advocate with, and Communications Consultant for American Principles Project
Emmett McGroarty: Executive Director of the Preserve Innocence Initiative with American Principles Project.
Joy Pullmann: Research Fellow with the Heartland Institute and Editor of School Reform News.
Ben DeGrow: Policy Analyst Independence Institute
Truth in American Education’s (TAE) stated mission is to shine a beacon of light directly on the government’s behind-the-scenes efforts to drastically alter American education.
“As taxpayers, parents and concerned citizens, we believe that proper respect for the American people requires that major educational changes be subject to an open and public discussion prior to approval and implementation, not the other way around,” says TAE’s Shane Vander Hart. is a multi-issue organization that projects parental power into education reform.