Please sign this petition immediately and share this with your friends and neighbors.
For further information on why partisan elections are the best system for vetting candidates, please see these resources:
Partisan School Board Election Arguments
Partisan School Board Resolution Debate
Responding to charges against partisan school board elections
I don’t recall her name, but it wasn’t long ago that a Utah woman who had children in the public schools, disconcerted by some radical public school policies and curricula, decided to run for school board office to effect a change in direction. This woman had many supporters who worked alongside her on her campaign, but she was unable to get her message out to very many due to shortage of funds.
Her opponent was a public school “party” favorite dedicated to the course they were on, supported by the education unions and the full public school party machine. The opponent had unlimited resources and supporters, knocking on doors and spreading their message far and wide.
The woman lost her bid to try and change the system from within, not because of her capabilities or her message, but because she stood virtually alone against the party machine. If she had run as a vetted candidate of one of the two political parties, with the full support of her party, she would have been able to reach out more widely and many more would have heard her message. Perhaps she, and others like her, would have had a real chance to overcome the brute force of the public school machine. If we had had partisan school board elections 10 years ago, maybe we wouldn’t now be suffering under Common Core.