Tag Archives: Opt-out form

The New Content Opt-Out Form

Parents have always had the primary responsibility and authority for their children’s education but state and local authorities, and some individual classroom teachers, often bypass family concerns and legal limitations on what can be taught to children in schools.

As such, a small group of concerned citizens created this new opt-out form and sent it to me. Please download the pdf or copy/paste the below text into your word processor, print it out, sign it, and address it to your child’s teacher and principal.

Opt out of subversive content (Click to download PDF)

Dear _______________________,

It has come to my attention that many entities within public education and the community at large, are pushing an agenda into schools that diminishes the relationship between parent and child, abolishes liberty and personal responsibility, and silences the free exercise of individual conscience.  Specifically, there are groups seeking to divide our nation according to oppressed and oppressor classes, a concept which is a prominent feature of Marxist ideology.

Therefore, please be informed that:

“Under both the United States Constitution and the constitution of the state of Utah, a parent possesses a fundamental liberty interest in the care, custody, and management of the parents’ children” (Utah Code § 62A-4a-201).

The state of Utah recognizes that parents have the “right, obligation, responsibility, and authority to raise, manage, train, educate, provide and care for, and reasonably discipline their children(Utah Code § 62A-4a-201) and “supports parents through a responsive educational system that guarantees local school communities autonomy, flexibility, and client choice” (Utah Code § 53E-2-301-3).

In the implementation of “all policies, programs, and responsibilities, the Utah Legislature, the state school board, local school boards, and charter school governing boards” are required to “respect, protect, and further the interests of parents in their children’s public education(Utah Code § 53E-2-201-2(a)).  Furthermore “political, atheistic, sectarian, religious, or denominational doctrine may not be taught in the public schools except as provided in Section 53G-10-202(Utah Code § 53G-10-402).

The Utah Legislature envisions an educated citizenry that “encompasses foundational principles including strong moral and social values, and loyalty and commitment to constitutional government” (Utah Code § 53E-2-301).

As a parent of a child or children in this school, please be advised that:

My child/children will not participate in any activities, receive literature, read text books or literary works, view videos,  attend assemblies,  take assessments, or participate in any activities that disparage the United States Constitution, any of the citizen rights guaranteed by the First Amendment, capitalism, our constitutional republic, law enforcement, the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, or the founders of Utah.

I am requesting that none of the following be used in the education of my child/children:

  • Broad negative generalizations about race and privilege.
  • Ideology of an oppressed and oppressor based on characteristics or background not on individual actions. Education should allow for diverse thinking including various religious and ideological groups.
  • Shaming children in any way based on items listed in Utah Code § 53E-9-203. For example, environmentalism that diminishes human life or disparages family size.
  • Any theory of the history of the United States of America or the state of Utah that states a need for fundamental transformation of our constitutions.
  • Diminishing self-government and personal responsibility in favor of collectivism
  • Activities that focus on victim ideology and seek to divide U.S. citizens, communities, or families and pit one group against another (e.g., heterosexism, classism, ableism, racism, Marxism, intersectionality, white fragility, identity grouping, privilege, etc…).

Furthermore, any literature, curriculum materials, assemblies, guest speakers, other media or communication made available from or through political /advocacy groups — especially those associated with “Critical Theory” or “Critical Race Theory” should not be used in the public school environment. (e.g. Black Lives Matter Inc., The 1619 Project, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, etc…)

In accordance with the parameters stated in Utah law, none of the below topics are to be addressed in the curriculum of children in the state of Utah without written parental consent (Utah Code § 53E-9-203).

  • “political philosophies;…
  • sexual behavior, orientation, or attitudes;
  • illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
  • critical appraisals of individuals with whom the student or family member has close family relationships;
  • religious affiliations or beliefs;…”

Educators are required to “comply with all federal, state, and local laws” (R277-217-3) which includes the following prohibited conduct (R277-217-2-23) “exclude a student from participating in any program, deny or grant any benefit to a student, or encourage a student to develop a prejudice on the basis of: (a) race; (b) color; (c) creed; (d) sex; (e) national origin; (f) marital status; (g) political or religious belief; (h) physical or mental condition; (i) family, social, or cultural background; (j) sexual orientation; or (k) gender identification;” LEA’s are required to report violations to the UPPAC (R277-217-5).

I give full consent for the below items to be integrated into the education of my child/children as stated in Utah law (Utah Code § 53-10-204).

  • “respect for and an understanding of the Declaration of Independence and the constitutions of the United States and of the state of Utah;
  • Utah history, including territorial and preterritorial development to the present;
  • the essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system;
  • respect for parents, home, and family;
  • the dignity and necessity of honest labor;
  • and other skills, habits, and qualities of character which will promote an upright and desirable citizenry and better prepare students to recognize and accept responsibility for preserving and defending the blessings of liberty inherited from prior generations and secured by the Constitution.”

Foundational changes being called for by a few will result in the destruction of law and order, healthy families, peace and prosperity, private property rights, and life. This is evidenced by the riots and other alarming behavior currently taking place around our nation. It is a lawful mandate, and my expectation, that public schools preserve a lawful citizenry that will carry forward the legacy and freedom ideals of this great nation.


Signature:  ____________________________            Child(ren): ________________________________________

(Disclaimer: This document is intended to help parents and educators reference key parental rights laws and is not to be construed as legal counsel.)

The Exodus, opting out of Common Core assessments and data collection

This is a post to share with all your friends and neighbors. Not everyone is going to do this, but we need as many people as possible to participate. If you have a child in school, please print out a copy of this form and send it in. Here’s a pdf copy and the text of the document is reproduced below which you can copy/paste into a word processor of your choice.

State National CAT / Data Collection Opt-Out Form (PDF)

To help spread the word, have your children share these small pass-along cards with their friends: My parents opted me out (PDF)

To properly introduce this topic, please check out this short interview clip my good friend Ken Cromar made for a documentary he’s making called Miracles. It’s an interview segment he did with Rabbi Daniel Lapin and it’s what we need right now to understand Miracles come after we take action. Please take action today. We need massive amounts of parents to opt-out of these assessments



State/National CAT/Data Collection Opt-Out Form




First, I, _____________________, as the parent/guardian of ___________________, have a  “fundamental liberty interest” in the care, custody and welfare of my child as codified in Utah Code §62A-4a-201. In exercise thereof, I hereby elect to exclude my child from participating in all computer adaptive tests (CAT) administered by or through Utah’s public education system (including but not limited to MAP/CRT/AIR/NWEA assessments) which are optional or required by the state for standardized testing. Utah code §62A-4a-201 states:

(d) The state recognizes that:
(i) a parent has the right, obligation, responsibility, and authority to raise, manage, train, educate, provide for, and reasonably discipline the parent’s children; and
(ii) the state’s role is secondary and supportive to the primary role of a parent.
(e) It is the public policy of this state that parents retain the fundamental right and duty to exercise primary control over the care, supervision, upbringing, and education of their children.

I take this action to protect the privacy and welfare of my child because these examinations contain behavioral testing1 which I believe is a violation of state law2 and the individual results are tracked in a statewide longitudinal database system (SLDS) which is accessible by the federal government and private entities3, used for school grading4, and allows my child’s personal information to be individually identifiable5. In taking this action, I recognize the state office may label my child as non-proficient6 which has negative repercussions.

I believe these tests are fundamentally flawed by attempting to test students on material to which they may have never been exposed. The fact that the exams are confidential7 so no one may examine the questions before or after a child takes the exam and that they provide psychometric feedback from embedded behavioral questions, are unacceptable to me as a parent.8

Second, I further opt my child out of any and all surveys that contain personal, financial, or any other information on our family, and from any other type of data collection method that would contain personal, private, and confidential information (eg. DNA collection).

To the extent that the above named school now, or in the future, possesses any data on my child, I do not give permission for such data to be passed to the state unless it is de-identified, aggregate data combined with that of many other students.

When CAT’s are given to my child’s class, I request that my child be provided an alternative exam that will be graded by my child’s teacher, or, alternatively, that my child be allowed to spend that time in quiet study.

I further request that the school keep a copy of this document in my child’s school file and that the school acknowledge my rights and their intent to support my decision by signing below and returning a copy to me.

Finally, this action is not intended to be an indication of my opinion regarding the quality of my child’s teacher(s), or of the school, but as a statement that my family refuses to participate in any activity that further erodes our privacy. I respect and appreciate your work in educating my child.

Please provide a copy to each of my son/daughter’s teachers who administer CAT assessments so they are aware that my child needs an alternate activity during testing.

Please contact me via email __________________ or phone ________________ if you have any questions.




____________________               ___________                       ___________

School Official Signature                       Title                                         Date


1- http://le.utah.gov/~2013/bills/sbillenr/sb0175.pdf (line 66)

2- Utah Code Title 53A Section 302

3- http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/pdf/ferparegs.pdf (page 13) and http://nces.ed.gov/programs/slds/state.asp?stateabbr=UT

4- http://le.utah.gov/~2013/bills/sbillenr/SB0271.htm

5- http://www.schools.utah.gov/assessment/Adaptive-Assessment-System/FAQTop10Questions.aspx (pg. 17)

6- At the 8/2/2013 Utah State Board of Education meeting, amendments to SB 271 were made to label students non-proficient if they failed to take the CAT standardized assessments

7- http://www.schools.utah.gov/assessment/Adaptive-Assessment-System/FAQTop10Questions.aspx (search “confidential”)

8- https://www.utahnsagainstcommoncore.com/dr-thompsons-letter-to-superintendent-menlove/