I got an email yesterday from Jenny Baker in Southern Utah where she has organized a parent rights committee. She agreed to let me publish her email to me to help inspire other groups to form in various school districts around the state. If you want to form a group, you can also advertise for support in our Facebook group to find people in your area. Organizing by school district is a great idea, or even your county. Jenny’s group is off to a great start and we wish them much success in accomplishing their goals.
These are the notes of the May 13th Washington County for Parental Rights committee meeting
12 members attended the school board meeting today:
Amy Drawe did a great job in her 3 minute talking time. She asked 1-how many times they will do the sage tests next year, 2- if teachers have been asked to not talk about CommonCore. 3- where we can find out where the school board candidates stand on CC. 4- she asked for a raise of hands who does/ does not support it.
The school board claimed to have no control over CC. Superintendent Burgeson recited the talking points that we have heard before. They basically ignores all of her questions. BUT….we did meet a few new members that we are now working with!
The 7:00 meeting went as follows:
These goals were accepted by the body
1- 25% opt out rate in all schools by the first day of the 2014-2015 school year.
2-work with school boards throughout summer to get opt out policies in place before the school year begins.
3- only anti-CC candidates winning in this upcoming election.
4- Have all elected officials (from Washington County) against CC before legislative sessions start next January.
5- create a teachers advocacy group.
6- Teach parents that they are great parents with great kids no matter what the testing says. (Especially for younger moms and Hispanic communities)
7- Get homeschool groups to help other moms know how to homeschool and organize homeschool groups.
(It was decided that our talking points need to be about strengthening parents, asking questions to get them to ask questions (eg. How did your child feel about the sage tests? Did you know that teachers and parents will not see the tests? How are students and teachers supposed to improve if they can’t see the tests? Why do we need the tests then?). OUR JOB IS TO EMPOWER PARENTS AND LET THEM KNOW THAT THEIR CHILD’S EDUCATION IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY!
The following committees were discussed and chairmen were appointed.
(Minutes in parentheses)
Proposed committees:
1-Publicity Committee- (Kristine Wagner will talk with Kate and Bryan to fill this opening)
a-social media updates
b- write op ed pieces for news media
c- make media connections
d- organize a committee
2- School boards and administrators Committee-(will Amy Drawe, Tanya Sutterfield and or Amy Chase chair this, any other volunteers?)
a- representing group at school board meetings.
(Currently, Durfey Supports CC, Seegmiller has concerns, Hesson supports, Christiansen opposes, Holloway supports—we need to educate them!)
b- instructing others on how to talk with administrators & school board
c- fact check and rebuttal of material sent from the school
d- organize a committee. (Get a question and answer meeting arranged for new candidates)
3- Constitutional Committee-(Kristine Wagner-chairman, can Brent Hall help?)
a- contact delegates and candidates and report on how they stand (Kristine will make a plan for us to help anti-CC delegates win the primaries on June 24)
b- instruct others on contacting public representatives
c- educate politicians
d- organize a political committee
4- Home school/private schools Committee-(Ann & Eric Grob, Karen Stead and Marta Harr to chair. They will get home school info on our blog.)
a- educate those outside of system to see the problems and work with us.
b- help board see their needs.
c- organize a home school committee
5- Teachers Committee- (Michelle Boulter, Teresa Lindquist, Kristine Wagner will ask Nancy ? To chair)
a- find out how we can help teachers. Be their advocate. (Work w/lawyer?)*
b- develop ways to keep them from being fired for speaking out.
c- educate teachers on Common Core
d- organize a teachers committee
6- Education Committee- (Michelle Boulter and Teresa Lindquist to chair).
a- arrange classes and guest speakers (once a month- in different areas of the community). (They will start a blog)
b- gather talking points and other educational material and distribute.
c- keep board up to date on all new information (laws, bills, etc.)
d- organize an education committee
7- Community Committee-(Jenny Baker, Donna Williams to chair)
a- work with civic groups(eg. Wash Co republican women lunch this week) to raise awareness
b- seek out other groups to combine efforts
c- work with other groups in Utah.
d- organize a committee
Proposed area representatives. (Let me know if changes need to be made)
Santa Clara/Ivins- Tanya Sutterfield
Hurricane/LaVerkin- Amy Drawe
Washington Fields- Kristine Wagner
Washington- Jared and Teresa Lindquist
Bloomington- Marta Harr
St. George proper/Green Valley- Jenny Baker
Hispanic Community- (Holly Wilkinson will ask her friend)
Little Valley- Michelle Boulter
Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 29 at 7:00 PM at Jenny Baker’s home 1039 S. 1080 W. St. George (on Indian Hills Drive). All who wish to help this cause are invited.
*for those who could not attend: feel free to sign up for a committee. And come to the next meeting!! Bring a friend!
Here are a few resources the board asked for:
Books: “The story killers” by Terrance O. Moore. “Conform” by Glenn Beck
Thank you for all of your hard work! I am so excited about the plans that have been made and for the overwhelming support for our cause!
Call if you have questions!
Jenny Baker
What you are doing is AWESOME & a great example for everyone to see! May the Lord continue being with & directing you in CC leaving our wonderful state. Question – How do I get started here in Sandy, Ut? Your agenda is Amazing but overwhelming for a beginner like me. What 4 steps would you recommend me taking, to eventually be at step 20, as you are? Thank you for sharing & Oak Norton too. Look forward to your response.
I have had a few ask how we got this started…here’s the answer…
You are going to laugh when you hear this, but we started this a week ago last Tuesday! It started with me and 3 friends who brought friends who brought friends to a meeting. After our initial meeting, I could see that we all felt overwhelmed, so I felt impressed to organize committees. I sent the committee list out to all who attended the meeting and asked who would like to chair the committees. I was stunned at the response!!!! People have been coming out of the woodwork to lend their talents and expertise to this cause. We had a meeting 2 days ago and even more has happened. It is like the we were all prepared for the specific tasks needed to fill this committee.
So, my advise to you…
1- send out emails to anyone you think might be interested In Helping. Here are a few things to include in the email…
A- committee list (use ours or make your own)
B- ask them to sign up to chair or help a committee
C- ask them to forward the email to their friends who can help!
D- have a scheduled meeting time and place to have your first meeting.
E- include you own goals or vision (or use ours)
2- there is no optimal time or place for a meeting. Don’t let that hold you back.
3- be open to learn and counsel together.
4- be aware that once you start this….you will see miracles and things will get busy-fast! It’s amazing what happens when amazing people get together and share the load!
Good luck in all you do! I can’t believe how much has been done in a short amount of time! I am just a normal mom who is too busy to do this and I am not that smart, but I felt like something needed to be done and I guess that is all you need to qualify you for the job!
Good luck! Call me anytime, maybe we can work together on the state level!
Thank you Oak for sharing this!! I can’t believe what we are doing here in Southern Utah. The miracles I have seen in my life during this journey have been so amazing! Just getting in touch with Jenny was one and they haven’t stopped! As I told Jenny today on the phone, “The plane is in the air and we are still building the engine”. Ruby, my advice to you would be to send out emails and set up a meeting. Talk about your common goals. I promise you will have those who are searching be led to you. PLEASE contact us if you need any advice or help. Good luck and you will do great!
I am looking for a contact person to assist me in learning about homeschooling options in Cedar City. Do you know anyone who would be willing to educate me? I know so little about it, but feel very strongly that I need to do this for my 10 year old. Thanks.
(435) 559-5500
I am retired and in Box Elder. I noticed nobody has done anything up here. I would like to gather names BEFORE I can organize anything. Is there a member ANYWHERE up there besides me? I just moved here temporarily, but building in Fielding – have grandchildren in these schools, and not working now. So if I can get names of people with like thinking and research on CC, I will start organizing parents up in Northern Utah. They are still very local type people but need to know what’s happening in the bigger districts. They also tend to trust more than research, which scares me…Please put my name down as a contact if that’s possible. I can’t organize any people if I don’t KNOW any people except family.