GRAMA Request Filed on Superintendent Selection

On Monday, November 5th, the below GRAMA request was filed with the legal department of the Utah State Office of Education. The USOE just posted the audio of the interviews with the State Superintendent candidates. You can listen to all 3 by clicking these links.

Dr. Menlove

Dr. Hudnall

Dr. Sentance


USOE Records Officer
Utah State Office of Education
P.O. Box 144200
250 East 500 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-42200

5 November 2012

Dear USOE Records Officer,

Pursuant to Utah’s Government Records and Management Act, I am requesting the following records:

•    All email and all other correspondence to or from any member of the Utah State Board of Education, Superintendent Larry Shumway, Martel Menlove, and/or Judy Park regarding the selection/appointment of a new superintendent, the process and/or criteria for selecting or appointing a new superintendent, the reasons for selecting/appointing Martel Menlove, and/or the reasons for not selecting/appointing other people as superintendent, between the dates of June 1, 2012 and October 31, 2012.
•    All email and all other correspondence regarding Michael (Mike) Sentence, Greg Hudnall, or Martel Menlove, between the dates of June 1, 2012 and October 31, 2012.
•    All records relating to the criteria or process (either proposed, considered, or actually used) for selecting or appointing a superintendent to replace Superintendent Larry Shumway, the reasons for selecting/appointing Martel Menlove, and/or the reasons for not selecting/supporting other people as superintendent.

UCA  63G-2-203 (4) encourages agencies to fulfill a records request without charge. Based on UCA 63G-2-203 (4), I am requesting a waiver of copy costs because releasing the record primarily benefits the public rather than a person.

I believe that the public has a right to examine all the correspondence between State Board members and USOE officials regarding the process of selection and anything that was not transparent to the public throughout that selection process.

The selection of a new superintendent, who oversees the education of Utah’s children and the expenditure of a large amount of public funds is of great interest to the public. Further, in observing the streamed meeting where interviews were conducted, it appears that the person selected was not the top candidate for the position. It is in the public interest to know the grounds upon which the selection was actually made in order to verify that the person was selected for reasons that the public would support.
I recognize that you will respond within 5 business days, however, I am requesting an expedited response as permitted by UCA 63G-2-204 (3)(b).


Oak Norton

One thought on “GRAMA Request Filed on Superintendent Selection”

  1. You’re amazing. Thanks for doing all that you do! You seriously help to inform the public and help us to inform ourselves. You’re doing a great work.

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