Father arrested at school meeting for questioning Common Core

Shock video. A father asks a question at a Common Core meeting and winds up getting arrested and charged with 2nd degree assault of a police officer. He was tired of all the pre-planned softball questions the panel was addressing, so he stood and asked them to address a concern of his that Common Core is really not meant to make students ready for colleges like Harvard, but just for community colleges. What happened next is stunning.

Here’s a bit from the Baltimore Sun:

Robert Small said he wanted to express his dismay over the introduction of a new school curriculum at a public forum Thursday night in Towson, but instead the Ellicott City parent was pulled out of the meeting, arrested and charged with second-degree assault of a police officer.

Small stood and interrupted Baltimore County School Superintendent Dallas Dance during a question-and-answer session and began to tell the audience that he believed the new curriculum was lowering the standards of education and was intended to prepare students for community colleges. “You are not preparing them for Harvard,” he said.

The format of the forum did not allow the public to stand and ask a question. Instead, those who wanted questions answered had to write them on a piece of paper. Dance read the questions and had members of a panel, which included state schools Superintendent Lillian Lowery, answer them.

When Small started speaking, Dance told him that he believed his question would be answered, but Small continued to talk. After a couple of minutes, a security guard confronted Small, saying, “Let’s go. Let’s go.”

Small, 46, asked him if he was an officer and the security guard, an off-duty Baltimore County police officer, showed him a badge. The officer grabbed Small’s arm and pulled him toward the aisle. The audience gasped and some people sitting nearby got out of their seats.

As he was being taken out, Small said, “Don’t stand for this. You are sitting here like cattle.” Then he said, “Is this America?”

Here’s what Small said (in case it was difficult to make out);

“I want to know how many parents here are aware that the goal of the Common Core standards isn’t to prepare kids for full-fledged universities, it’s to prepare them for community college…..Parents, take control. We’re sick of this. This is not a CNN political game. This is a public town hall… Listen, don’t stand for this. You’re sitting here like cattle. You have questions. Confront them. They don’t want to do it in public…. Parents, you need to question these people….Do the research, it’s online.”

Do we question those in authority, or are we just cattle?

There is some additional information at Michelle Malkin’s blog.


13 thoughts on “Father arrested at school meeting for questioning Common Core”

  1. What can we do to stop the on-slaught of Common Core. Parents can’t even help kids with home work because of this method of teaching. Something needs to be done to stop the government from taking over our childrens lives and removing the parents from the teaching equation.

  2. This is not the first time that our “leaders” in education have arrested a parent…..unlawfully. We are seen as dissenters if we ask questions, and I am asking the same question this man asked: IS THIS AMERICA? DO WE HAVE A COUNTRY ANYMORE THAT IS FREE?
    I would like to know why this Security Officer thinks he has the right to touch this man in any way? What right did he have with a parent asking questions to throw him out and dirty HIS record for being a normal, caring parent? Who was the school board idiot who kept interrupting this man when he rose to speak? Was he out of order in any way, or did he HAVE the floor?

    I can tell you right now: You have to TAKE the floor these days. This is the way principals interrupt you as a TEACHER when you ask valid questions. It is like we are all under a spell and are afraid of our governement. Bravo to this man for standing up and if the rest of us do not, we will love all that is precious to us.

    I studied a situation with a man in Boston who wanted to know why his 4th grade son was coming home with homosexual paraphenalia from a PUBLIC SCHOOL ASSEMBLE. Bein g a Christian, he tried to stand up for his children. All he asked was a meeting with the principal. When he finally got one, she said she didn’t have to notify parents or ask their permission. It was not required. She said she would call HIM before such assemblies. A few months later his 2nd grade son came home from the same assembly asking questions. He also was given this “kit” that informed him of the “possibilities” of sexual gratification. Did anyone else follow this story? I am still in shock. The good ending is that this happened while Mitt Romney was GOVERNOR (working for no pay….). He heard of this and stepped in and told the principal she DID have to ask permission of parents. However, in the meantime, this man came back to talk to her about the second son, and she called the police. The father had a restraining order placed on him and could not come within so many feet of his OWN CHILD’S SCHOOL! What can we do to protest these losses of freedom. I am AGAIN appalled. I am appalled as a FORMER teacher how I was being treated in the same way. What is this horrible force taking over our schools and our lives. Do you care? Then DO SOMETHING. Get active – join THIS group to start with, and try to sign your name to anyting that preserves our rights and freedoms because many have gained positions of authority who stomp on them day by day like you saw here. Who rescued this man? What patriotic lawyer will HELP this man free of charge – like Mitt did in Boston?

  3. Sorry for the grammatical mistakes – my computer is not keeping up with my typing today…..
    Not LOVE, but LOSE our freedoms. Spelling mistakes also, sorry.

  4. Private school, homeschool, co-op… anything but public school and that includes opting out of their virtual schools. No kids = no money and then they’ll start listening! My experience though, has been that once you keep your kids home for a year, you don’t want to send them back. Read the book, Revealed Educational Principles & the Public Schools.

  5. Finally a school board stands up to an obstructionist. He did not have the floor because the format required pre-submitted questions. All questions were answered – most (surprise!) were from obstructionists. Try doing what he did in a congressional hearing and see how far you get.

    1. Obstructionist? Wow. Yeah, he was totally obstructing after listening to an hour of this board ignore their submitted questions and propagandize them with their softball questions and never have a period for public comments. It *TOTALLY* makes sense that he was charged with 2nd degree assault on a police officer… Public school meetings are just like a congressional hearing… Well, at least in the way these elected officials listen to their constituents.

    2. You have no problem submitting questions in advance to your public employees so they can decide whether or not to answer?
      Perfect drone for our Brave New World.

  6. Looking at the comments posted directly on Youtube, some say the video is cutting out the portion where he had been warned a few times for going over time. Not sure if we are getting the whole picture here.

    1. It doesn’t look like the video has any gaps in it. Reading down through many of the YouTube comments (I wish YouTube had a profanity filter…), I finally found one where a person speculates that maybe we missed the beginning of the video and it was edited. I didn’t see “some” comments, just this one. Watching the video, clearly we have almost the entire exchange because the camera person gets one of the board members chatting with this guy as he apologizes for speaking out of turn but wants to ask a question that nobody is addressing with their softball questions. Clearly he wasn’t warned about going over time. This was his first and only comment of the night, from the audio exchange.

  7. Why is no one concerned about the homosexual agenda in Baltimore County? Elementary schools should be off limits to anyone with an agenda to program young children into accepting an unclean lifestyle.

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