Welcome to the 2015 legislation page
Link to Master Cheat Sheet on Bills
Beneath this page in the menu above you will find updates throughout the legislative session with comments about various education bills. The process these bills go through is they hit a committee first and get voted on. Then if it gets through that committee, it goes to the sponsor’s chamber (if the chief sponsor is a senator, it goes to the senate for a vote, if a Representative, it goes to the House). You should definitely look up your senator and representative right now and keep their contact information handy. Get it here:
If a bill is going to be in committee, you can email the members of the committee to share your thoughts with them. Honestly, I’m not sure why the appropriations committees have a mix of representatives and senators on them but I’m guessing someone will email me that answer soon and I’ll post it here. To email a committee, grab the email list below.
Tips: When sending an email always put things in your own words. When signing your name, add your city and phone number. If you are writing your own representative or senator, put “I’m a constituent” on the subject line after your regular subject line (don’t do that on emails to committees). Only do that if it’s true. A typical subject line could be “Please oppose HB 29-[insert bill name]”. That gives a quick summary of your email. Always use principled arguments and facts in your emails. Keep emails as short and concise as possible because legislators are getting tons of emails. Spell check your email and double check your grammar. It’s better to keep one email tied to one bill. Don’t try to put multiple bills into one email unless it makes total sense to do it. I think it’s best to put the committee members email addresses on the BCC line of your email. Start letters with “Dear Representative” or “Dear Senator” to respect their offices.
The links to the pages below take you to the legislative page that shows the upcoming meetings and lets you listen to a meeting in progress.
House Education Committee (Link to page)
blast@le.utah.gov; vlsnow@le.utah.gov; lavarchristensen@le.utah.gov; kimcoleman@le.utah.gov; seliason@le.utah.gov; justinfawson@le.utah.gov; fgibson@le.utah.gov; greghughes@le.utah.gov; ehutchings@le.utah.gov; dlifferth@le.utah.gov; dmccay@le.utah.gov; csmoss@le.utah.gov; mnoel@kanab.net; mariepoulson@le.utah.gov
Rep. Bradley G. Last (R), Chair
Rep. V. Lowry Snow (R), Vice Chair
Rep. LaVar Christensen (R)
Rep. Kim Coleman (R)
Rep. Steve Eliason (R)
Rep. Justin L. Fawson (R)
Rep. Francis D. Gibson (R)
Rep. Gregory H. Hughes (R)
Rep. Eric K. Hutchings (R)
Rep. David E. Lifferth (R)
Rep. Daniel McCay (R)
Rep. Carol Spackman Moss (D)
Rep. Michael E. Noel (R)
Rep. Marie H. Poulson (D)
Senate Education Committee (Link to page)
amillner@le.utah.gov; jdabakis@le.utah.gov; mmadsen@le.utah.gov; wniederhauser@le.utah.gov; Aaron Osmond (aosmond@le.utah.gov); hstephenson@le.utah.gov; jwstevenson@le.utah.gov; surquhart@le.utah.gov
Sen. Ann Millner (R), Chair
Sen. Jim Dabakis (D)
Sen. Mark B. Madsen (R)
Sen. Wayne L. Niederhauser (R)
Sen. Aaron Osmond (R)
Sen. Howard A. Stephenson (R)
Sen. Jerry W. Stevenson (R)
Sen. Stephen H. Urquhart (R)
Public Education Appropriations Committee (Link to page)
hstephenson@le.utah.gov; seliason@le.utah.gov; mikekennedy@le.utah.gov; jsadams@le.utah.gov; lhillyard@le.utah.gov; jiwamoto@le.utah.gov; Aaron Osmond (aosmond@le.utah.gov); dthatcher@le.utah.gov; surquhart@le.utah.gov; jbriscoe@le.utah.gov; lavarchristensen@le.utah.gov; brucecutler@le.utah.gov; beckyedwards@le.utah.gov; justinfawson@le.utah.gov; fgibson@le.utah.gov; blast@le.utah.gov; dlifferth@le.utah.gov; mariepoulson@le.utah.gov; kraigpowell@le.utah.gov; nthurston@gmail.com
Sen. Howard A. Stephenson (R), Senate Chair
Rep. Steve Eliason (R), House Chair
Rep. Michael S. Kennedy (R), House Vice Chair
Sen. J. Stuart Adams (R)
Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard (R)
Sen. Jani Iwamoto (D)
Sen. Aaron Osmond (R)
Sen. Daniel W. Thatcher (R)
Sen. Stephen H. Urquhart (R)
Rep. Joel K. Briscoe (D)
Rep. LaVar Christensen (R)
Rep. Bruce R. Cutler (R)
Rep. Rebecca P. Edwards (R)
Rep. Justin L. Fawson (R)
Rep. Francis D. Gibson (R)
Rep. Bradley G. Last (R)
Rep. David E. Lifferth (R)
Rep. Marie H. Poulson (D)
Rep. Kraig Powell (R)
Rep. Norman K Thurston (R)
Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee (Link to page)
surquhart@le.utah.gov; keithgrover@le.utah.gov; jstanard@le.utah.gov; jdabakis@le.utah.gov; amillner@le.utah.gov; Aaron Osmond (aosmond@le.utah.gov); hstephenson@le.utah.gov; jwstevenson@le.utah.gov; evickers@le.utah.gov; kimcoleman@le.utah.gov; fredcox@le.utah.gov; jcox@le.utah.gov; jdraxler@le.utah.gov; dipson@le.utah.gov; dmccay@le.utah.gov; kaymciff@le.utah.gov; csmoss@le.utah.gov; markwheatley@le.utah.gov
Sen. Stephen H. Urquhart (R), Senate Chair
Rep. Keith Grover (R), House Chair
Rep. Jon E. Stanard (R), House Vice Chair
Sen. Jim Dabakis (D)
Sen. Ann Millner (R)
Sen. Aaron Osmond (R)
Sen. Howard A. Stephenson (R)
Sen. Jerry W. Stevenson (R)
Sen. Evan J. Vickers (R)
Rep. Kim Coleman (R)
Rep. Fred C. Cox (R)
Rep. Jon Cox (R)
Rep. Jack R. Draxler (R)
Rep. Don L. Ipson (R)
Rep. Daniel McCay (R)
Rep. Kay L. McIff (R)
Rep. Carol Spackman Moss (D)
Rep. Mark A. Wheatley (D)